Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Part of a statistic
This is a sad, long put off post. But if I want any record of the proceedings in my life since this is like a journal for me I must do it. Among the many statistics I could find online the percentage of people that are divorced in the United States is 10%. That may not seem like alot compared to how many people there are but it is far higher than it should be. According to a website 45-50% of first marriages end in divorce. That just blows my mind that people can just throw it all away. I am sad to say that after 31 years of what I thought had been a pretty happy marriage my parents are too throwing in the towel. Totally threw me for a loop when I heard this. I still don't know if I know all the facts and what has happened over the last month and a half (yes that is all the time it took) but once the papers go through than it will be a matter of 90 days until the divorce is final. It is kind of crazy cause Cassie my sister in law just made a post on her blog about divorce. I don't think that she knew anything about my parents but she was curious as to if it was worth it. I think as long as you keep close to Heavenly Father and ALWAYS have the gospel in your lives that you can work any problems out. I understand that there are exceptions to the rule but I would hope that every step you could take to over come the problem would be taken before just throwing in the towel. It has been a sad 2 months and if I have seemed distant to anyone that is probably the reason. I am coming to terms with the idea of what this entails and hope that I have the strength to move past this awful time in my life. I am just so grateful for the testimony that I have that families will be together forever and that we are given trials in this life so that we may grow. We may not know the reason for these trials and what we need to learn from them but we will one day. I am grateful that I have a loving husband that has helped me get through this hardship and when I am having a sad moment all I have to do is just look at my beautiful daughter and she brightens any sad moment and it is just that a moment. I know that our family is an eternal one and we will be together throughout the eternities. I love both my mom and dad and I will be there for both of them through all of this.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Life and Times of Brooklyn

There have been a few things going on in the last month and I have slacked on posting them. So I will try to get a quick update in.
First we started Brooklyn on solid foods about a month and a half ago. Let me just tell you this girl LOVES food!

We did the mean parent thing and gave her a taste of a salt and vinegar chip. I for some reason cannot upload video to blogger (I am blogger illiterate so if you want to see the video I posted it on facebook.)
She also learned how to roll over. In one swift moment like she had been doing it forever. We were over at my in-laws and I had laid her on the table to change her diaper and after we were finished I let her lay there to just kick her legs and the nexst thing I knew she was reaching out for the wipes and flipped over to get them. (There is also a video on facebook about this!) Maybe when Kellan gets home he can figure it out cause he is smart like that!
She can sit up for a few seconds but is really wobbly so that is the next thing we will be working on. Here is a pic of that.

We went to Lagoon for my mother in laws work Lagoon day and we failed to get any pictures of the day. (we are still working on the parnets taking pictures thing.) But I can say that Brooklyn had tons of fun and she warmed up to Grandpa Doom especially when he gave her an animal cooklie with icing! ( I was not around to protest! Dang long lines)
Like father like daughter. Here is some chill time on the couch!

Other random pics of the baby!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Fun in the Sun
Last week we used our free passes to Cowabunga Bay. We went with the Scott's and had a BLAST! Here are a few pics from our adventures....
Brooklyn was not too sure about the water at first.
Then she tolerated it for a few minutes, but she had missed her morning nap and so she was not in the mood for anything but sleep. I put her down in the stroller and she fell asleep really quick!
Kellan just LOVES the sun, can't you tell?!?
Here is a pic of Brooklyn sleeping, she did this for most of the time there. Good thing so she did not burn her fair skin.
I on the other hand love the sun and could be out in it every day, all day!
I made Kellan smile in this picture it does not look too forced.
This is one of the two big pails of water that is filled up and then dropped on the waiting patrons.
Kellan, Neil and I being DRENCHED!
Kellan is a kid at heart and loved playing with all the little water things there.
Kellan wiping the water out of his face for the millionth time.
Monday, August 16, 2010
4 Month Check up
Last Wednesday was Brooklyn's 4 month check up. Here are her stats:
Weight 14.8 lbs. 75th percentile
Height 25 1/4 in. 80th percentile
Head 16 1/2 in. 60th percentile
The doctor was amazed again at how perfectly round her head is. He was also impressed by her muscle strength. We got the okay to start her on solid foods. Which is perfect timing because she watches Kellan and I as we eat. Kellan was eating some wheat thins one day and she would just follow his hand from the box to his mouth and back again. Needless to say he let her try it out and first thing she does when she gets it is pops it in her mouth. We started rice cereal and she seems to tolerate it. I can't imagine that it is the best tasting stuff but she eats it. The one thing she loves to eat is animal crackers. Grandma Doom gave her one of those and she scarfed it down. When she was done she started to fuss and stopped as soon as she got another one. We are probably horrible for giving her these things so soon but I think she is ready.
She is such a happy baby. She is quick to give a smile and if you catch her right she will even give you a laugh. I love to hear that sound, it really is music to my ears. She knows who mom and dad are. I love to see her eyes light up when Kellan or I get home from work and she sees us. She has not quite mastered the art of rolling over just yet, she gets to her side but has not rolled on her own yet. But I know she will get there soon as you can see that she wants to.
Brooklyn loves to sleep with her teddy bear. I took a picture of her napping with him and our bed.
Weight 14.8 lbs. 75th percentile
Height 25 1/4 in. 80th percentile
Head 16 1/2 in. 60th percentile
The doctor was amazed again at how perfectly round her head is. He was also impressed by her muscle strength. We got the okay to start her on solid foods. Which is perfect timing because she watches Kellan and I as we eat. Kellan was eating some wheat thins one day and she would just follow his hand from the box to his mouth and back again. Needless to say he let her try it out and first thing she does when she gets it is pops it in her mouth. We started rice cereal and she seems to tolerate it. I can't imagine that it is the best tasting stuff but she eats it. The one thing she loves to eat is animal crackers. Grandma Doom gave her one of those and she scarfed it down. When she was done she started to fuss and stopped as soon as she got another one. We are probably horrible for giving her these things so soon but I think she is ready.
She is such a happy baby. She is quick to give a smile and if you catch her right she will even give you a laugh. I love to hear that sound, it really is music to my ears. She knows who mom and dad are. I love to see her eyes light up when Kellan or I get home from work and she sees us. She has not quite mastered the art of rolling over just yet, she gets to her side but has not rolled on her own yet. But I know she will get there soon as you can see that she wants to.
Brooklyn loves to sleep with her teddy bear. I took a picture of her napping with him and our bed.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Baby has more fun with our friends
As Mindy was watching the baby for us. She was able to get the baby laughing on video and it is really cute. Enjoy.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
4th Of July
The festivities this year seemed to last a whole week long. On June 26th we went to Taylorsville Days with some of our closest friends.

This is cute Emma Lee Scott holding Brooklyn. She loves to hold her and does so well with Brooklyn. She will be a great mommy one day!

I realized that we did not get any pictures of the 3 of us. (Partly because I still have baby weight that I need to lose and hate my pic being taken) I will work on that!

Here was one of the fireworks in the sky I show this cause the next pic is of what Brooklyn was doing with all the fireworks.

She LOVED them. She was so mesmerized by the whole thing.The only thing she would do with the loud BOOM fireworks was close her eyes!
This is her cute outfit that she wore to be patriotic on the 4th of July. Jana Scott made that cute little bow in her hair. I need to start making more for her!
On Monday July 5th we had our friends over for a yummy BBQ and some homemade ice cream. It was fun to get together with all our friends and the kiddos. I love the awesome friends that we have made in our little community and can't wait for the next get together.
In a few days Brooklyn is going to be 3 months old. I cannot believe how the time has flown by. She gave me her first real giggle yesterday when I was changing her. She loves being on her changing table and I always get the cutest smiles. I will try to capture some of those for another post. I cannot believe how much love I have for this little girl, but some times I just look at her and get tears in my eyes to think about this beautiful angel that we created!
This is cute Emma Lee Scott holding Brooklyn. She loves to hold her and does so well with Brooklyn. She will be a great mommy one day!
I realized that we did not get any pictures of the 3 of us. (Partly because I still have baby weight that I need to lose and hate my pic being taken) I will work on that!
Here was one of the fireworks in the sky I show this cause the next pic is of what Brooklyn was doing with all the fireworks.
She LOVED them. She was so mesmerized by the whole thing.The only thing she would do with the loud BOOM fireworks was close her eyes!
On Monday July 5th we had our friends over for a yummy BBQ and some homemade ice cream. It was fun to get together with all our friends and the kiddos. I love the awesome friends that we have made in our little community and can't wait for the next get together.
In a few days Brooklyn is going to be 3 months old. I cannot believe how the time has flown by. She gave me her first real giggle yesterday when I was changing her. She loves being on her changing table and I always get the cutest smiles. I will try to capture some of those for another post. I cannot believe how much love I have for this little girl, but some times I just look at her and get tears in my eyes to think about this beautiful angel that we created!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Cowabunga Baby!

Today on my way home from work I was listening to 107.9 The Mix. They asked for the first caller that could name the new movie with Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise. The caller would win tickets to Cowabunga Bay. So thinking I should try my luck, cause I knew the answer was Knight and Day, I dialed the number. Thinking that it would be busy because I try to win things on the radio all the time and never get through, but to my surprise it was ringing. After a few rings I thought I must have got through but was not fast enough. Just when I was about to give up hope I hear "Hi, what's your name?" I knew that this was it I had won. So since I knew the answer Kellan and I get to go to Cowabunga Bay to see how it is. I am so excited. I am not sure if I got the 4 hour pass or the all day pass, I will pick it up tomorrow and let you know! For those who do not know what Cowabunga bay is here is a picture.....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
House Work
Yesterday I had the opportunity to go up and spend some quality time with my Grandma Grow. She watched Brooklyn while I helped her do some stuff around the house. She was nice enough to provide a yummy lunch for us. My question is though...why is it more fun to go and clean at some other persons house than your own? If that is the case then there should be an organization that you can join that you swap houses and clean. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?!?
Friday, June 18, 2010
2 month check up
Last Tuesday I took Brooklyn in for her 2 month check up and shots. Here are her stats:
Weight: 12.1 lbs 85th Percentile
Height: 23 1/4 in. 75th Percentile
Her head is perfectly round with no flat spots! (I can't remember what the size and percentage was)
The doctor said that she has really good muscle control and looks perfectly healthy. She was talking the whole time and then the dreaded nurse came in and everything changed. It is so sad to see them going from completely happy to bawling in less than a second. The shots are so mean. I can see why little kids are afraid of going to the doctor. The shots and the tongue depressor to look down the throat. I think it makes everyone gag when they do that.
Brooklyn is such a joy. She really is a happy baby. I could not have asked for anything better. I love that I get to stay home more and spend that time with her.
Things Brooklyn is doing at 2 months:
Smiles when sees mom and dad
laughs in her sleep (it is soo cute)
follows an object with her eyes
great muscle control in her neck and head
sleeping though the night
We love you very much Baby B! You are such a special light in our lives.
Love Mom and Dad
Weight: 12.1 lbs 85th Percentile
Height: 23 1/4 in. 75th Percentile
Her head is perfectly round with no flat spots! (I can't remember what the size and percentage was)
The doctor said that she has really good muscle control and looks perfectly healthy. She was talking the whole time and then the dreaded nurse came in and everything changed. It is so sad to see them going from completely happy to bawling in less than a second. The shots are so mean. I can see why little kids are afraid of going to the doctor. The shots and the tongue depressor to look down the throat. I think it makes everyone gag when they do that.
Brooklyn is such a joy. She really is a happy baby. I could not have asked for anything better. I love that I get to stay home more and spend that time with her.
Things Brooklyn is doing at 2 months:
Smiles when sees mom and dad
laughs in her sleep (it is soo cute)
follows an object with her eyes
great muscle control in her neck and head
sleeping though the night
We love you very much Baby B! You are such a special light in our lives.
Love Mom and Dad
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Baby B's first trip and Kellan's 26th birthday
This past weekend Brooklyn and I took a trip down to St.George and Mesquite with my parents. It was nice to get away for a few days. The weather was perfect not too hot or too cold. Here are a few pics from the travels.
She slept just about the whole way down to my Uncles house in Virgin
This baby loves her Grandpa Olney
She did not care for the pool just yet, probably because the water was freezing!
She loved driving in the car and was happy just about the whole time!
At dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Olney

Time for a snooze with her two favorite things, her bink and her glow worm!
Happy to be heading home!
We got home in time to celebrate daddy's 26th birthday! We went to dinner at Kellan's parents on Sunday and then on his actual birthday Kellan had to work during the day. That night we just spent as a family. I made dinner and then we went to the drive in and saw Shrek 4. For Kellan's birthday he got the Mash dvd box set. He has been wanting this for a long time so I pulled the money together from a few people and got it for him! I ordered it online and did it too late so he has to wait a few more days to actually get it. Next year I will have to plan better! Happy Birthday to the man I love!

Time for a snooze with her two favorite things, her bink and her glow worm!

We got home in time to celebrate daddy's 26th birthday! We went to dinner at Kellan's parents on Sunday and then on his actual birthday Kellan had to work during the day. That night we just spent as a family. I made dinner and then we went to the drive in and saw Shrek 4. For Kellan's birthday he got the Mash dvd box set. He has been wanting this for a long time so I pulled the money together from a few people and got it for him! I ordered it online and did it too late so he has to wait a few more days to actually get it. Next year I will have to plan better! Happy Birthday to the man I love!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Brooklyn's Blessing
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial day weekend and babies first camping trip
This weekend we had the opportunity to go camping with my family for Memorial Day. It was tons of fun and Brooklyn did amazingly well. We got to the West Desert on Friday night. My parents had been there all week so all we had to do was bring in our bags. We stayed in the camper with my parents. It was so nice not staying in a tent. That would have made for a long weekend. We brought the pack and play for the baby to sleep in and the first night I tried to put her in there while Kellan and I took the most uncomfortable hide away ever. By the next morning Kellan was on the floor sleeping on the couch cushions and I was asleep on the bed sideways with the baby next to me. I don' t know if it was just how much the trailer moved or a new environment but the baby would not sleep in the pack and play which is what she sleeps in at home. I think it was a mixture of both. The next night I ended up sleeping in the recliner with the baby on my chest and Kellan pulled off the matress to the hide away and slept on that. Much better. Needless to say we worked out the kinks in sleeping. Saturday the weather was sunny but super windy and the wind was cold. Sunday was much better with sunny and not a cloud in the sky with a light breeze to cool you in the warmth of the sun. Monday was perfect not to hot or cold...of course that is how it always is on the last day right?!? Anywho here are a few pics from the weekend. I am still not as good as I should be so all the pics are of the baby in the camper but she loved being outside.

Monday, May 3, 2010
2 week old pics
Last week I took Brooklyn to get some pictures done by my wonderful friend Tawnya. She takes great pics and was willing to take some of my cute little girl. Here are a few of my favorites! I can't believe that she is 3 weeks old. Time goes by way too fast. When I took her in for her 2 week appointment she weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. 60th percentile and was 20 1/8 inches 40th percentile. She is still a little shorty but is gaining weight pretty good.
I am so blessed with a wonderful husband that is so willing to help out with the baby. I started back at Dan's a few nights a week and he is more than willing to watch Brooklyn. I wish that I did not have to go back to work already but I do. Luckily I think that I will be able to cut back my hours quite a bit. I will work a few nights at Dan's and hopefully find a dental office that needs a part time assistant. I applied at one office and had an interview. If I get the position it would be for Monday and Friday all day and then the 2nd and 4th Saturday just a half day. Any one that would be willing to watch Brooklyn on Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 to about 5 let me know. That is if I even get the job. But it is better to prepare now with people that would be able to and I would rather put my baby in the hands of friends rather than strangers. Please let me know if that would work for anybody. I could even do one day with one person and one day with another!

I am so blessed with a wonderful husband that is so willing to help out with the baby. I started back at Dan's a few nights a week and he is more than willing to watch Brooklyn. I wish that I did not have to go back to work already but I do. Luckily I think that I will be able to cut back my hours quite a bit. I will work a few nights at Dan's and hopefully find a dental office that needs a part time assistant. I applied at one office and had an interview. If I get the position it would be for Monday and Friday all day and then the 2nd and 4th Saturday just a half day. Any one that would be willing to watch Brooklyn on Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 to about 5 let me know. That is if I even get the job. But it is better to prepare now with people that would be able to and I would rather put my baby in the hands of friends rather than strangers. Please let me know if that would work for anybody. I could even do one day with one person and one day with another!

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