Weight 14.8 lbs. 75th percentile
Height 25 1/4 in. 80th percentile
Head 16 1/2 in. 60th percentile
The doctor was amazed again at how perfectly round her head is. He was also impressed by her muscle strength. We got the okay to start her on solid foods. Which is perfect timing because she watches Kellan and I as we eat. Kellan was eating some wheat thins one day and she would just follow his hand from the box to his mouth and back again. Needless to say he let her try it out and first thing she does when she gets it is pops it in her mouth. We started rice cereal and she seems to tolerate it. I can't imagine that it is the best tasting stuff but she eats it. The one thing she loves to eat is animal crackers. Grandma Doom gave her one of those and she scarfed it down. When she was done she started to fuss and stopped as soon as she got another one. We are probably horrible for giving her these things so soon but I think she is ready.
She is such a happy baby. She is quick to give a smile and if you catch her right she will even give you a laugh. I love to hear that sound, it really is music to my ears. She knows who mom and dad are. I love to see her eyes light up when Kellan or I get home from work and she sees us. She has not quite mastered the art of rolling over just yet, she gets to her side but has not rolled on her own yet. But I know she will get there soon as you can see that she wants to.
Brooklyn loves to sleep with her teddy bear. I took a picture of her napping with him and our bed.
She is so adorable! Wow! She could be a model baby. They grow so fast right? This is the fun part... I loved starting Elena on solids. Seeing their expressions with different foods is so fun!