Super slacker award goes to this mom right here. Oh well better late than never right? We celebarted Brooklyn's birthday party a few days early so we could have it on a Saturday when more peolpe were available to share in her special day. We just had a get together with family to help celebrate. I decided that I was going to make the cupcakes for the party and her little destruction cake. I was going to do a fondant cake but was discouraged by multiple people so I just frosted it instead and piped on Happy birthday. For the cupcakes I was going to make them like they do in the fancy shops but for some reason my frosting would not hold and every time I tried to pipe it on it would just melt off. So I ended up just slapping it on and sticking it in the fridge to help it set up and that seemed to work. I was so stressed out with those things. Next time I will try a different frosting. Here are a few pics from the big day!

Her stats are as follows:
Height-29 1/4 inches 75th%
Weight- 21.2 pounds 50th%
Head- 46cm 80th%
So overall she is an average baby. Which is just great! We are so happy with our stubborn little one year old. She brings us so much joy most days! Here are a few of the things she is doing...
-Walking, but still a little sea legged
-jabbering up a storm. She says mama and dada. She also attempts Touille and Crush it is more like ooee and shhh
-She knows to tell the dogs shh when they are barking and also no no no
-she has a little rocking chair that she can climb in and out of
-she can get off of the couch without falling, she knows how to turn on her belly and slide off
- she can climb up and down stairs which still baffles me as to where she learned it because she does not really deal with stairs and one day she just started to climb them
-she is off the bottle 100%
-she was off of the binkie until she got sick and then she saw it one day and really wanted it, so we will try again now that she is not sick anymore
-she has 6 teeth 2 on bottom and 4 on top
-she loves her monkey and takes him everywhere we go
-she loves blankets and when she first wakes up she wantsyou to pick her up with her blanket and monkey
-she loves to brush her hair and is finally starting to like to wear bows Yea!!!
-she loves bath time
We love our little baby B and can't belive that it has been a year already. It makes me so sad to think that we have already had a year pass by. Before we know it she is going to be getting married and having her own little munchkins. Here are a few other random pictures over the last few weeks.

Brooklyn with one of her cheeser faces!

Brooklyn the G Thug baby with her two favorite things in tow monkey munks and food!

What a sweetheart. I can't believe she a year old already. It seems like your baby shower was just yesterday. Stupid time that flies too fast! Happy Birthday Brooklyn!
ReplyDeleteSo Cute!! She really is growing up too fast, time to have another one!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe a year has gone by already! Happy belated Birthday Brooklyn love from Andrea, Mark & James xxx